12 Ways to Improve Your Warm Up Line Drills
Line Drills are the easiest way to start a lacrosse practice.…

Stop Using These Two Words with Your Players
Effective communication is the #1 skill a good coach needs at…

ICYMI: Lax Library on In Lacrosse We Trust!
We are very excited to be partnered with In Lacrosse We Trust to…

Advice from 3 Great Lacrosse Coaches
It's Monday, and that means you're probably going over and over…

Mom Saves Lacrosse Team, Becomes Coach
At Lax Library, we love hearing stories about individuals who…

State of the Game: New Trends in Today’s Lacrosse
Whether it's the increased focus on safety, new rules for "quick…

Best “Advice to a Young Player” we have heard so far.
Lacrosse is growing in popularity at a very impressive rate,…

Want to Grow the Game? Become a Ref.
Most of us here at Lax Library leave work early almost every…

Going Back to “Righties” and “Lefties”
Every lacrosse player born in the US has gotten plenty of stick…