face dodge approach shooting practice drill

Approach Face Dodge Shooting Drill

This simple Dodging and Shooting Drill teaches your players to use the classic Shot Fake and Face Dodge against a Defender to get free for easy layup goals.

We got this simple drill from Coach Matt Brown (Denver/Team Canada) at the IMLCA Convention before the start of this spring. You can do it in small groups with your Offense while your Defense works on Ground Balls or Clearing Passes. Or your players can do it at home with a parent or sibling while we're still under quarantine restrictions.

The Face Dodge is one of the first and best Dodges we learned as young players. It's become really popular again in the last few years as more players are being exposed to Box Lacrosse, where the Face Dodge is an absolute standard move that every player knows. Your players need to know it too.

"Play with what the Defense gives you." The Shot Fake/Face Dodge, along with other kinds of Pass Fakes, uses the Defenders' mistakes against them. Get the Defender to "Lunge" or reach for your stick, then tuck it across your face, and go right by him to the goal! This is how you make it on the highlight tapes above.

Plus, your players can also practice their Defensive fundamentals. College Coaches spend a ton of time working on Defensive "Approach" to the ball, step #1 of the "ABCD's" of Defense. This drill also includes an bonus element of Defensive Approach, positioning, and footwork.


approach face dodge shooting practice drill

Figure 1.) Start your players in two lines up top on each side of the Goal Area Box. These are very common dodging locations for your players to attack in the classic 2-3-1 Formation or the Triangle Motion Offense.

One line of "Defenders" will start in the middle with the balls, about 10 meters up from the Goal Line or 5 meters up from the top of the Crease. "Defenders" is in quotes because they will not actually play Defense, just go through the motions so your Attackers have somebody to Dodge.

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