Triangle Passing Drill: Split Dodge

Triangle Passing Drill: Give-and-Go’s

One of the most most fundamental passing and catching drills out there, the Triangle Passing Drill is great way to get your players’ heads up and feet moving. Adding in Give-and-Go's will give your players get extra touches on the ball and teach them one of the basic ways to get open.

Triangle Passing Drills are easy to set up and don’t require much space on the field. With Give-and-Go's added, players can improve their stick skills, concentration, and accuracy while working in tight spaces.

This simple variation requires every player to execute a stationary catch, a stationary throw, a running catch, and a running throw each time they go through the drill. You will see a boost in concentration and consistency in stick skills, plus breaking bad habits like cradling at the hip before passing or "spinning" the stick after a catch.


triangle passing drill basic setup

Figure 1. Set up 3 cones in a triangle. The cones should be roughly 10 to 20 yards apart from each other. You can shrink the distance if necessary, depending on your players’ stick skills.

Put all of your players in a line behind one of the three cones. Be sure to mix offensive and defensive players together. Everybody on your team needs to be able to run, catch and throw with both hands.

If you have more than 20 players at practice, create multiple sets of cones to ensure your players get the maximum repetitions in your drills. There’s no reason your players should come to practice to stand around waiting in line.

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  • Switch directions halfway through the drill- move the ball clockwise, catching left-handed and throwing left-handed.
  • Time Your Drills for your players' age and attention span. Move on to something else once a drill or game becomes unproductive.
  • Stick in the outside hand- Beginning players need to practice both hands equally. Keep the stick protected, away from the defender.
  • Challenge your players- add a second ball into the drill to keep things moving quickly and keep your players focused.


Try it at your next practice. Let us know if you have any great Triangle Passing Drills of your own!