defense ground ball escape practice drill

Defense Ground Ball “Escape” Drill

Don't lose the Ground Ball battle right in front of your own…
maryland 3 on 2 practice drill

“Maryland” 3-on-2 Half-Field Drill

This simple half-field variation of the classic "West Genny"…
defense break out shooting clearing practice drill

Defense Break-Out Shooting Drill

Use this simple small-group shooting drill to teach your Defenders…
figure eight catch shoot practice drill

Figure Eight/Triangle Continuous Shooting Drills

These are two of our favorite high-rep shooting drills for individual…
3 2 2 clear defense play

3-2-2 Clear vs Several Different Rides

This simple variation Clearing formation can give your team multiple…
Princeton Virginia Lacrosse High Wing Pick Screenshot 2020

Pick-and-Roll Plays from the 2020 NCAA Lacrosse Season

Here we review the most common Pick Plays we saw in the 2020…
long pole dodging past midfielder youth high school lacrosse game

“5-10-5” Dodge and Sprint SAQ Drill

We saw this super simple Speed, Agility and Quickness (SAQ) drill…
Denver University Outlaws fast break lacrosse

3-on-2 West Genesee Drill

A true classic from upstate New York, this game is used in camps,…
lacrosse lingo goose hockey techniques to win loose balls

Lax Lingo: “Goose!” and “Hockey!”: Techniques to Win Loose Balls

Here are two simple techniques that you can practice with your…