lax lingo on sides responsibility defense clearing play

Lax Lingo: Who Has “On-Sides Responsibility”?

Going Off Sides when you're Clearing can kill big momentum plays…
1 v 1 v 1 ground ball practice drill three variations

1v1v1 Ground Ball Drill & Variations

Turn your ground ball drills into competitive game situations…
clearing build-up practice drill for defense

Defense Clearing “Build-Up” Drill

One of the first things we fix when coaching new teams is Clearing.…
defense approach recovery skip pass practice drill

Defense Approach, Recovery, Skip Pass Drill

"Approaches" are SO hot right now. We're spending lots of time…
tommy palasek attack new york lizards lacrosse practice

Full Field Clearing, Passing & Shooting Drill

Check out this super simple warm-up drill the Pros use to get…
boston 8 line full field clearing passing drill variations

“Boston” 8-Line Full-Field Clearing Passing Drills & Variations

We are using these great drills with our summer teams to keep…
lacrosse shooting on the run footwork pratice drill

Sweep Dodge Shooting Drill

We love this great shooting drill we saw one of the college…

Defense: Defending the 4-on-3 Fast Break

Fast Breaks happen multiple times every lacrosse game. By understanding…
face off fast break wing defense play

Two Face-Off Fast Break Wing Plays for Defense

We got killed at the X this weekend, leading to lots of 4-on-3…