touch the bucket defense position practice drill

“Touch the Bucket” Position Drill for Defense

This is a classic drill that coaches from all over use to teach Defenders good On-Ball and Off-Ball positioning- get out to cover the ball, then back in to help cover the middle!

We got this awesome 4-on-4 drill from Coach Bill Casey who runs a lot of great programs down in Arizona- Glendale Lacrosse League, Glendale Vipers, Arizona Box Lacrosse (USBOXLA). He helped start a lot of youth teams with the Arizona Sting NLL Team (2004-2007) and was the Arizona Youth Coach of the Year in 2010. He told us he got this drill from the famous Hall of Fame Coach Jack Kaley from NYIT. So you know it's a Classic.

Teach your players good Off-Ball Defense! This is part of what coaches mean when they talk about "Team Defense". Defenders have different responsibilities when they are guarding the Attacker with the "Ball!" and when they have to help cover the middle of the field in case another Defender has to "Slide!" to stop the ball.

This is also a great drill for teaching Individual Defensive Fundamentals. Combine footwork skills like Approach to the ball, Breakdown and Recover with Stick skills! Plus your Attackers get practice passing, catching, even turn it into a scoring drill! This drill has everything.

It's really cool to hear all your Defenders sticks Bang! Bang! Bang! on the trash can once they get the hang of it! Get more stops on D when all your players understand how they work together as a unit!


touch bucket position defense practice drill

Figure 1.) Set up your players 4-on-4 in a Box. Place your ball bucket, or even better a big trash can upside down in the middle, in front of the goal. This is basically where an Attacker (or Two!) might be in a game.

Attackers (Blue) will pass the ball around the outside. These should be easy passes for your Attackers. Keep the stick protected in the outside hand, away from the Defense. Move the feet to catch and throw to make it realistic, like a game.

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