short stick sideline clear vs 3 3 zone ride play

Short Stick Sideline Clear vs 3-3 Deep Zone Ride

Clearing against the 3-3 Deep Zone Ride can give high school…

Lax Lingo: “Play Between the Whistles!”

Turn every change of possession or ball out of bounds into extra…
3 on 2 cross over practice box field lacrosse drill

3-on-2 Cross-Over Drill

We see lots of teams using this great drill in Pregame Warm-Ups…

“Four Man, Two Ball” Passing and Catching Drill

Here is another simple, classic stick skill drill you can do…

“Three Man, Two Ball” Passing and Catching Drill

This is another super-simple, classic stick skill drill you can…
box lacrosse off ball pick roll shooting practice drill

Box Lacrosse Off-Ball Pick-and-Roll Shooting Drill

Use this simple, fun shooting drill with your Box and Field…

Box Lacrosse 1-on-1 Defense “Approach!” Dodging Drill

Use this super easy, super fast drill with your indoor and outdoor…
quick hit 1 on 1 approach dodging practice drill offense defense

Quick Hitter 1-on-1 “Approach” Dodging Drill

Use this easy college drill to practice small area game situations…
navy lacrosse half field practice scrimmage drill

Navy Half Field Scrimmage Practice Drill

We are using this simple scrimmage variation in fall ball to play…