300 wall ball stick skills practice workout

“300” College Lacrosse Wall Ball Workout

Are your players practicing "Wall Ball" to get their stick skills…
box lacrosse pass up pick up offense play

Box Lacrosse Pass Up, Pick Up Offense

This is a fairly basic play we see in Box Lacrosse using the…

4-on-3 Box Passing Fast Break Drill to Goal

Combine two classic drills into one fast-paced game-situation…

“Hammer” 1-on-1 Triple Ground Ball Drill

This is a simple, fun drill that you can do with boys and girls…
over commit defense video

Don’t “Over-Commit” on Defense

We love Defense, but it can be very difficult to teach younger…
minto cup 2018 box lacrosse faceoff

Box Lacrosse Up-Pick Shooting Drill

We saw both teams at the Minto Cup using this same great two-ball…

6 Plays to use against a “Shut-Off”

Here are six common plays you can use to generate Offense and…
3 on 2 north south west gennies half field practice drill

3-on-2 “North-South” West Gennies

This is another simple version of the classic 3-on-2 West Genessee…
1 4 1 formation double mumbo offense play

1-4-1 Double “Mumbo” Cut Offense

Double Mumbo Cuts are a modern play we've seen college and high…